Thursday, April 15, 2010

la vie en rose

odata,un om mia spus
ca tot ce am facut e gresit
ma bantuie gandul lui..
si deseori ma intreb dacai asa
ideea e ca,daca e asa..
ar fi putut sa ma opreasca oricand
si na facuto nici macar
o data.:)
asa ca,revin incet
din cosmaruri
la cei al meu..
si as putea spune cami place
as putea.
no spun pentru ca
asta e..
firea umana vrea intotdeauna
mai mult
dar,spre deosebire de omul ala
care imi spune cei bine
si cei rau..
eu macar..sunt om
si mi se pare
normal sa simt
si sa admit asta.
nu e nimic de demonstrat
nui bine,nui nici rau
doar asa a fost sa fie
si daca e
sa fie altfel
banuiesc fii,nu?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

forgeting who i am

today im an indian.
and i shall keep
her purity and love
and peace
and everything she brings
to me.
i shall keep her
instead of me.
i shall change,
i hope.
gonna be alright
gonna be okay
summers on her way:)

Thursday, April 01, 2010


i can see through you,
you know,
you should know.
and if its not like that
i should be damned!
well,not really.
but it kinda freakes me out
i kinda love it
but i dont really
cuz its no way to do it..
u do it
like u should
just forget it.
and u chose the 3rd
way of things,
not do it
at all.