Monday, August 23, 2010

another monday mornin

nu stiu
cum sa incep exact
asa ca
incep timid
si neincrezator
odata ce am inceput
trebuie sa ma acomodez
pentru ca,
doar asa poti face un lucru
cum trebuie.
continui prin a..
..a evolua.
e pasul 3,
un pas tranzitoriu
pentru ca
are nivele,
nivelele nu se vor termina
decat cand
vei fii cel mai fericit
ca ai inceput.
de la ce
pornise totul?
e o teorie general valabila,
un adevar posibil,
e adevarul meu,necesar
in toate directiile
functionand cu
chiu si vai
cand este implicat
un schimbator de stare
ca tine.
doar pentru ca
imi generezi
sentimentul ce imi echilibreaza
existenta in societate
ca fiind parte din ea.
numi place sa ma tin
de piciorul tau cand pleci
stii ca nu vreau so faci,
atat de mult..
incat ma faci so fac..
acceptance is step 2.
step one is
luvin u.
si din nou,
la multi ani>:D<

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


empty headed
empty hearted
im not ok.
and how could i say it
when u hear it
u ask whats wrong
but somehow seem not to give a fuck..
i think sometimes
people are so empty hearted
that dont have
enough power
to make their heart beat.
so empty hearted
you can hear it
in their voice
in the silence of their
in the silence of their
for you
to be there
so empty that they dont even
have tears to give
in the name of their sadness
so empty hearted
you can even see through them
whats a man
without a heart?
can you see the deads
in their graves?
you only can see
the connection they have with the world
somehow that they
are there
they were here
around us
but now
..they simply
easily decompose
its somehow my feeling right now
i easily decompose
starting with an empty heart

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

low ride

am ceva de facut
din cele lasate
pe mai tarziu
tarziu vine
si ajunge inaintea
nu daca sunt inaintea
cu toate astea
cum ma framant
in mine
as vrea
din ce am pierdut
pe drum
ceva rau
din cele rele
care sunt bune
niste somn..