Wednesday, August 29, 2012


miss wrong is she really wrong? dont believe everything you think, the other says it's not about choices sometimes or is it? is it, if you tremble and crap your heart beats rise temperature is somewhere forgotten but really, you just freeze. unfreezing might cause tears and trouble. just like medicine, love has precautions overdose paranoia past present instant change of temperature. like your skin is too much to have on like you burst and not in tears but feelings tears are level 1. miss wrong.. shes me, with me and within me. she cannot be forgotten, shhht, she keeps it real, at the most of things picturing the worst case scenario is her business. she is always there, she is always awake, she is always alive. my head is dizzy, breathing makes it harder to live but i am alive, not giving up, leveling up. still am low, down, mistaken, misanderstood, paranoid, childish, not wiser but distant. im far away im with miss wrong.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

hits from the wrong

gotta desguise as human. too far from anything cos' anything got out out of my reach. since it's tuesday could've easily been two's day but it aint. last night the night cried only for two to find a day without no sun, the night cried him a river so the streets were full of disappointment,regrets and time but nothing good came with the wrong. a sleep that took so little cos'another day brought only light to see the damage starring into nothing; the blurry weather caught them and the earth was shattered. a heart was struck in the hands of hope.