Saturday, March 14, 2015

Bury me deep

Lost my

I am lost.
I say don't let the world change you
But don't get swallowed by it either.
Don't let yourself be dragged
It's the game we play,
The rules change

We're not the same,
We're not one.

I don't feel alive
What's living?
If it makes us forget the fact that
We should be breathing by our own hearts.
In our own rhythm.

We meet again,
It's our funeral,
My dearest.
Let's bury what we gave birth to.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

My heart hip hops

When everyone goes to sleep
and startle in their sleep
they fall
they wake
they dream.
When life goes on and never stays in one place
for nothing and no one,
life doesn't stop,
but hearts do.
Life goes on, and on and on.
We live and breathe and dream.
We love and read and lean
on theories
on feelings
on friends and we try to never stop believing
we're not alone,
we're not alone,
become dependable,
get real,
you're on your own.
That's how my dream crashes
into realities
into the running lives of breathing thieves
the thieves of time,
the dream is not alive.
the dream's asleep,
it's on its own,
works from inside to outside,
not from outside to in.
Be you,
with you.
you're alone.
Close your eyes.
You're on your own.

Monday, February 11, 2013


getting old,
getting closer and closer to myself.
getting to know me? getting to unknow me..
that's life, you think you know something and the next day
you don't.
'cos you realise how stupid you were yesterday,
how stupid you still are
aaand you ask yourself: how much stupidness can there be?
i mean, this is you..and if you don't know yourself?

the all time answer is: i know, i know, i was wrong doing that shit. we all do shit you know?
its like you smoke and you know you're poisoning yourself, what you are, what you are going to be
you know you'll regret it and you so easily do it.
we know this shit that's gonna happen,
after a while its so wrong to expect worse than it already is but shit,
that's what life is: a bunch of crap, one meal at a time
getting older, experiencing more but still not getting wiser...
...still waiting for it.