Friday, January 08, 2010

you may have noticed, im not all here.

one of my personal favs as in song,video,movie,movie soundtrack,lyrics,feeling.adica tot:))

sa sfarsit!
we aint in wonderland anymore.
schools the morning.shitty winter mornings,te trezesti sa te duci sa fii persecutat, inghesuit intro banca nenorocita,pazit de 2-3 profesori universitari care nu te lasa nici sa te misti si iti impart otrava sa o gusti,asteptanduse sa o mananci pe toata,sa lingi si farfuria.
scrasnesti din dinti,tenneci in disperare si speri.
strangi tare ochii si te gandesti.
iti strangi mainile apasaten pumni si speri.
te concentrezi,te duci,calatoresti pe toate caile pe care le ai in fata si stii cas multe.
respiri adanc,inima iti alearga pompanduti sangele in piept,te uiti in jur
clipesti des,te stergi la ochi si stii.
esti prizonier in lumea lor.
teau prins!

we aint in wonderland anymore.
pe tine te vad din ce in ce mai neaparat,dar pare atat de rar!pentru ca as vrea sa fie des,as vrea sa fie zilnic,as vrea sa ma respiri,intelegi?
stiu ca nu tiar displacea acest aspect.
why we aint in wonderland anymore?
cuz i would like u to sniff me.
and we cant.

we aint in wonderland anymore.
cuz we just aint.
au trecut toate.
nu mai astepti nimic.
--nimicul te aduce la disperare--
astepti sa se intample ceva.
astepti sa treaca tot.
astepti sa treaca pe la tine..
astepti sa treci si tu pe la el

wonderland isnt made for w8ing.
in wonderland it just is.

couldnt i
my own
my own

but u did.
didnt ya?

you just
stepped out of it..

cuz if there is wonderland
and you,you are here.
-we got a bad news for ya,close ur eyes and pinch ur skin,yap,its true-

and here, my friend
-even if i have to tell u this,dont get me wrong,im not trying to ruin ur mood,ur life,ur wishes and hopes,im just trying to keep u safe and sound..and u know that after this ull be another man.but i am too.and we r still friends,im here for you,arent i?-

is not wonderland anymore.

peace out and have fun with it.
-lost my mind,lost my head,lost my patience.and it wasnt even my choice..-

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