Monday, October 18, 2010


little of us survive this life without losing themselves,
considering you have yourself with you.
ascult ce ascultam si acum 6 ani
si are totul un alt inteles
ideea e ca am ramas tot la mine
tot cemi placea imi place,
-cu mici schimbari,sau mari,
stiute doar de mine-
doar ca toate au un alt inteles,
unul mai constructiv si educativ
pentru mine ca univers-parte din mine,
din noi,
parte din turma de oi
insa sunt o oaie care paste alte campuri
decat voi.
im gone to sleep now,
back to sleep.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

fall times

this is fall times,
never times to fall,
never times to flow.
its fall times
for nature,
not for me.

sad and depressed
listening this song
cant you see
lifes easy
in another way
from another point of view.
and all i wanna say is
fuck you.
i want it my way
im such a crybaby
and i know it
but well,
arent we all?
at least,tired of another point of view?
i love you,believe me,
im doing this for us,
lookin at it from another point of view
cuz fck me if i can stand this anymore.
lost my patient,
my ways and sanity.

so easy for nature,
every year the same:
but you know?
its not,
is this big planet spining and making me crazy.
fuckin complex,i love easy,
and it is,
in another way,
from another point of view.

surely not from mine,cuz mondays a sucker..and is coming to breakfast:(
id love you daily:)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

o alta zi,de 13

poate ca nu sunt destul de buna,
ca voi.
poate ca nu sunt destul de buna
pentru voi,
dar sincer,
mie greu sa cred car fi asa.
am uitat de cratime
si vorbe ce se nasc
dintrun glas linistit
incercand sa poarte o discutie calda.
poate ca undeva pe drum
drumul meu sa intors cu fundul in sus
si a spus stop
iar acum incerc sa merg
impotriva vantului
printro transparenta a intregii firi umane
caci stopul meu
incearca sa aiba continuare
la fel cum noi
incercam sa mai populam pamantul
cand el ne izgoneste.
am ramas aici
construindumi universul meu personal,
contopit cu o societate si o forma de viata
ce incearca sa imite
rotundul unui cerc
care e insa gol,la fel ca voi toti.
acum mai greu
pentru ca e un alt inceput,
printre multe inceputuri
solicitate de imposibilitatea unei continuari
doar ca inceputurile inseamna acomodare
iar acomodarea necesita spirit
iar spiritul meu,
inversunat de vidul in care va aflati,
e departe acum
incercand sa depaseasca
o linie invizibila
pe care doar eu o vad
si el o simte.
suntem cu totii aici
si il privim
incercandune puterile supranaturale
si concentrandune intens
inspre al muta cu privirea
spre dezamagirea tuturor
nam reusit sa mutam
decat punctul de concentrare
intrun alt punct,
asa a fost mereu
suntem tot aici
ceasul ticaie prezent
si timpul trece
scurganduse prin noi
si facandusi loc
scuptand firicele marunte
care se adancesc
trasand drumurile trecutului.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Die Monday, die!

i stick to my theory
of sucker mondays,
suckers of life,
of love,
of sleep,
of happiness
and joy,
of late mornings
and late nights,
suckers of blood
and suckers by name.
i hate mondays
and with every monday,
even more,
even more and more
and with every monday i hate,
the next mondays are even worse,
only to show me,
ima hater
but one with cause.
so,mr hot-shot monday,
my theory remains
and stands out
to you
and you,
of course,
confirm what a sucker you are.
so,from one who knows
and really appreciates you,
an advice which i hope
you will take into account:
DIE already!