Monday, November 28, 2011

probably wondering where was i?

well i still am.wherever this is.
skins are changing
colours pale to grey
grass stopped growing
and winter's on her way
i almost feel her presence
inside this little box
her cold tricked the window
and came over me
it's crawling little by little
under this white sheet
and my bones feel like liquid
that soon will turn blue
like ice cold is winter
as ice cold my feet.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


this is it!
watching me,
hunting me
the eyes of lies,
the eyes of knowledge,
of reason,
of whatever
one calls decision.
this is it..
the moment in between
the moment when you should know
what is
the happiness,
hopefully, you might decide you're into.
the moment splits
in everything you are,
in everything you've dreamt of being,
in every little part that you
call yours.
you're stuck
somewhere in the middle,
where the paths cross
which is what
and again,
reproducing the image you've seen
for the last years,
blurry in the hollow lights
of the sleepy streets

Thursday, February 24, 2011

another day.another night

you can be an individual when you belong to a society but how can you be a part of society when it makes you self-contradictory?
how can i survive this world when i dont know what to expect from it?its night and day and day and night its all of you racing your powers on the playground and the playground is now really somewhat of a leftover.
cuz really,i cant see no one playing anymore.
winter is staying even if we re close to march,and it doesnt seem to be leaving soon.
people are evil and the more you know them the less you think you know.
sleep is not enough and really,its been keeping me awake lately,even if im eyeshut.
i cant find myself in no one anymore because everybody is really gone.
i cant trust myself in no one because really,i wouldnt want myself be known and vulnerable but just to break out for a lil and not turn on me.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


all alone
with all of you
wanting somehow
pieces of me.
im broken
many parts of me are lost
many of them,
know exactly where they are
but faraway from
where they wish.
im all alone
in space
in time
im all alone
in everyone of you

im all alone
left me breathless.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

lumea se misca
pulsuri se zbat inainte si inapoi
in timp si spatiu
din sangele lor in al nostru
din pulsurile lor in noi
va zbateti pe tonuri diferite
din cauze mai mult sau mai putin reale
pentru voi,pentru lume.
imi misuni creierul
cum un vierme siar locui marul
si marul intro zi
mancat pe dinauntru
va muri si va cadea
din copacul prins in pamant.
copacul va ramane cu un mar minus
insa pana la urma,toate merele sale
il vor parasi
nevoite sau nu.
cum las putea considera totusi
pe cel mancat de vierme?

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

how did it all start,again?

my heart was ripped
just now
gave me the feeling of headache
and emptiness
became so easy to be human
because humans just leveled down
on the same step with animals.
we are so alike,
we know good from bad
and chose bad,
chose hate,
chose ourselves
just like the chain of power,
you will be my breakfast,
i will eat you and look at you
deep inside
in your heart.
i will never get the chance
to know you
for you
i will know you
for me
and with you,my life will be better
for now.
i wish i was all alone because really
thats how i feel
and the emptiness inside my stomach
will not be filled
by any kinds.

give it a rest
2011 is closer
to the future.
brings still,
nothing new,
something borrowed,
somehow blue.
light up the atmosphere
cuz the lightnings
are on
another year passed
soon this one
will too.